Month: July 2015

media about Prora

Mirror posts new article about Prora’s transformation

Fancy staying in the ‘Hitler Hotel’? 10,000 room Nazi retreat is transformed into luxury apartments for tourists “A former Nazi retreat dubbed the ‘Hitler Hotel’ is being transformed into luxurious holiday apartments for tourists.The 10,000 room building, originally commissioned by Adolf Hitler in 1936 and designed by Clemens Klotz, was intended to provide leisure activities for German workers and

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media about Prora

The Local features story on Prora Development

“When the Nazis started building the Prora Colossus on the island of Rügen in the Baltic Sea they envisioned it as a mighty symbol of the unity of the German people. It was to be a place where German workers could enjoy a bit of downtime on the beach, watch movies at the cinema or

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