Touristic Intents will premiere in the city where one of the film’s 1st interviews was completed!
From the festival web site.
A megalomaniac project, 4.5 km long, on the Baltic coast, to accommodate 20,000 holiday makers. That was the new Nazi concept for mass tourism as it was originally formulated by Henry Ford. During the GDR period Prora was used as a military training base, housing the biggest number of conscientious objectors in Germany. How important is that charged history now that the building is being renovated and converted into luxury apartments and hotels? With his penetrating documentary Touristic Intents, filmmaker Mat Rappaport examines whether guilty architecture is compatible with a new boost for tourism.
October 9th and 10th, 2021
How does the charged history of Prora, the former Nazi holiday resort, stack up against commercial forces? AFFR and Goethe Institut organize a discussion with the filmmaker Mat Rappaport and architect André Kempe on the tensions between past and present during the renovation of this megalomaniac project on the Baltic coast.